AVUS – Fully automated detection of soiling rates

The identification and prediction of soiling rates is an important factor in site assessment and operation of solar CSP plants. The energy harvesting in CSP plants is severely influenced by the soiling of reflectors and mirrors. 

The AVUS Sensor is made for the mid- and long term monitoring of soiling rates and offers a precise, repeatable and fully automated measuring method.

Furthermore it allows the analysis of the soiling composition and its adhesion to solar reflectors. Tackling both aspects, an instrument for automated online monitoring of soiling is developed by PSE AG, Fraunhofer ISE and TSK Flagsol Engineering GmbH in a research project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy BMWi.

Technical specifications

LED illumination with red light λ=660 nm
Nominal acceptance half angle φ = 51 mrad
Reflectance and cleanliness data for acceptance half angles 51 mrad, 7.5 mrad, 12.5 mrad and 23mrad
Tilt angle variation of exposed mirror samples 30°, 45°, 60°, 75°
Accuracy of cleanliness and reflectance Resolution of 0.001 and repeatability of +/-0.005
Power supply 12 VDC for autonomous operation with PV modules
Graphical user interface Web-interface operational on any mobile device or computer
Data file ASCII
Operation temperature range -20°C to + 60°C

Software features

In the project PSE AG has developed a web interfaces with the following features:

  • Configuration of sampling intervals
  • Display of current operating status of the sensor
  • Automated plausibility check of measurements
  • Temperature correction of measurement results through reference measurements
  • Operator and Administrator mode
  • Remote access

For further details please contact our project leader Jan Steinmetz.